
influx adapter to shard data from smarterstats

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smarterservicesInfluxAdapter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smarterservices/influx-adapter';



descrption: a plugin adapter for smarterstats that when set will start storing all data sent to the stats engine in influx also.

Getting Started:

npm install @smarterservices/influx-adapter


var influx-adapter = require('@smarterservices/influx-adapter');
var influx = new influx-adapter({
        host:'Host of your influx db',
        protocol:'https or http',
        port:'Port of your influx db',
        database:'database name to connect to',
        username:'user to use',
        password:'users password
    batchTime: 'in seconds time to flux internal batch of data'//required
    tags:{OBJECT OF KEY:VAL TAGS} //optional
    client: pass the influx client here(node-influx) instead of using influxjSettings.

Note: you only need to either set influxSettings or pass in the influx client. Not both.

When using your stats lib set dataStore when calling addCollection() like follows:

stat.addCollection('Collection name',{dataStore:influx})

Note: pass in returned influx obj from calling new influx-adapter above

Now all data stored with .addData() will be stored in influx also.