
Plain and simple classic HTML multipart form uploads with SME Uploader, as well as uploads using the HTTP PUT method.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smeUploaderXhrUpload from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sme-uploader/xhr-upload';



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The XHRUpload plugin handles classic XHR uploads with SME Uploader. If you have an exiting Apache/Nginx/Node or whatever backend, this is probably the SME Uploader plugin you are looking for.


const SmeUploader = require('@sme-uploader/core')
const XHRUpload = require('@sme-uploader/xhr-upload')

const uploader = new SmeUploader()
uploader.use(SmeUploader, {
  // Options


$ npm install @sme-uploader/xhr-upload

We recommend installing from npm and then using a module bundler such as Parcel, Webpack or Browserify.

Alternatively, you can also use this plugin in a pre-built bundle from CDN. In that case SmeUploader will attach itself to the global window.SmeUploader object. See the main SME Uploader documentation for instructions.


Documentation for this plugin can be found on the SME Uploader website.


The MIT License.