Trello Action Runner
This tool can automatically perform actions on Trello objects. Possible use-cases updating Trello boards as part of a build pipeline (e.g. after releasing a new version).
In its current state, the archiver can only be configured through environment variables.
The three credential variables must always be set:
- TRELLO_API_KEY: API key from Trello (see here).
- TRELLO_TOKEN: OAuth token from Trello (see here).
- TRELLO_MEMBER: Unique member-ID from Trello (the text preceeded by an @-sign on the user profile page).
After setting all the environment variables mentioned above, the script can be run like follows:
using npm
npm install && npm start <action_name>
or using yarn
yarn install && yarn start <action_name>
Available Actions
Renames a list on a specific board and create a new empty list. E.g. List "Done" will be renamed to "Done (v1.2)" and a new list "Done" is created.
Job config:
- TRELLO_BOARD_NAME: The name of the board on which the list is to be archived.
- TRELLO_LIST_NAME: The name of the list to rename.
- TRELLO_ARCHIVED_LIST_NAME: The name to which the list will be renamed.
- Trello Action Runner is now linked to the node_modules/.bin folder and can be executed directly from a package.json script.