
An intuitive and elegant library for interfacing with your REST API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sneppyVuePony from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sneppy/vue-pony';



An intuitive and elegant library for interfacing with your REST API

vue-pony is an intuitive and elegant library that can handle most client-server interactions out of the box. It flavors an object-oriented syntax inspired by Pony ORM, an awesome Python ORM library.

Note that I develop vue-pony for personal use. I won't be actively looking into issues and pull requests.



You may install vue-pony with NPM:

$ npm i -S @sneppy/vue-pony

This branch hosts the version 2.x of vue-pony. For version 1.x, you should use npm i -S @sneppy/vue-pony@1


In order for vue-pony to work correctly, you'll need to configure the API endpoints in the following way:

  • endpoints must be organized on a resource-basis (e.g. /user, /post, etc.);
  • each entity is uniquely identified by one or more aliases (simple or composite, string or numeric keys; e.g. user[1] or user[sneppy], post[some-post-slug] or post[User[1], 2]). Use route parameters to identify an entity on the API interface (e.g. /user/1, /post/1, etc.);
  • follow CRUD principles (ideally you should define Create, Read, Update and Delete endpoints for each resource).

Next, you'll need to set up the client. First, create a Pony instance:

let api = new Pony({
    base: 'http://localhost/api'

In the constructor you must specify the base URL of the API.

For the sake of this example, we'll assume you have a simple API with two types of entities - users and posts.

For each entity, you should define (and export) a class that extends api.Model:

export class User extends api.Model


export class Post extends api.Model


This alone already allows you to fetch users and posts using Model.get(...alias):

let user = User.get(1)
let post = Post.get('introduction-to-vue-pony-d5f')

The ...alias argument must form a valid entity alias (in most cases it will be a simple numeric ID). vue-pony composes the alias to form the entity URI, which by default is /<lowercase class>/<join ...alias with '/'> (in the example above, /user/1 and /post/introduction-to-vue-pony-d5f).

Entity-to-entity relationships can be defined using static properties/getters. In our simple API, we have one single relationship between users and posts:

export class User extends api.Model
    static get posts()
        return api.Set(Post)

export class User extends api.Model
    static author = User

As you can see the relationship is actually split in two different static properties.

The name of the static property defines how the relationship can be accessed from the entity. To define a *-to-one relationship you simply set the value of the static property to the class itself (e.g. since the author of a post is a user, the value must be User); if instead you need to define a *-to-many relationship you must wrap the class with api.Set(Type).

Entity properties and relationships can be accessed like normal properties:

let post = Post.get(1)


Keep in mind, though, that it may take a while before the entity data is fetched. Many factory methods, such as Model.get, are synchronous, in that they return the entity before the HTTP request is actually fullfilled (rahter than, for instance, returning a promise that resolves with the fetched entity).

As a consequence, any property accessed before that time will return undefined. However, since the entity data is reactive, you can leverage Vue reactivity to overcome this problem.

Make sure to take a look at the vue-pony Guide.