
Ultra-lightweight Javascript template processor.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solidJsNanostache from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@solid-js/nanostache';


Why Nanostache ?

Why do we need Nanostache ? Literal template strings are available in ES6+ ! Nanostache can be useful when any small templating is needed when the template source is not coming from javascript itself.
For example, if you need to process a template from a file, or any other kind of input.

Nanostache is a ultra-lightweight template engine in Node or Browsers environments. Minified version is less than 500b for CommonJS and a even smaller for ES-Module version. It uses Javascript's Regex based String.replace function to be super effective.

Typescript definitions are included. Enjoy !


Nanostache can do variable replacement, function calls, and short ternary. THAT'S IT.
It cannot do advanced conditions, listing, HTML transformations, etc... If you need all of this, check others template engines like Mustache, Handlebars or even React JSX in some cases.


To install Nanostache in your project :

npm install @solid-js/nanostache


yarn add @solid-js/nanostache


If you are using CommonJS syntax :

const { Nanostache } = require('@solid-js/nanostache')

Better, if ES-Modules syntax is available :

import { Nanostache } from '@solid-js/nanostache'

Simple variable replacement

Nanostache('Hello {{username}}', {
    username: 'James Bond'
// 'Hello James Bond'

Values can be functions

const user = { balance : 12 };
Nanostache('Your current balance is {{balance}}€', {
    balance: () => user.balance
// 'Your current balance is 12€'

Ternary conditions can be used :

Nanostache('Condition is {{test ? truthy : falsy}}', {
    test: 0
// 'Condition is falsy'

Or, with the help of functions :

Nanostache('{{name}} is {{age}} {{isAgePlural ? years : year}} old', {
    name: 'Brad Pitt',
    age: 55,
    // Note that v here is the current value object
    // So we can access dynamically to the age property
    isAgePlural: v => v.age > 1
// 'Brad Pitt is 55 years old'

More functions

Nanostache('{{plainFunction}} == 15', {
    value: 15,
    plainFunction ()
        // This works
        return this.value;
// '15 == 15'

Complex example mixing functions and ternaries

const user = {
    name: 'James Bond',
    gender: 'male',
    balance: 15
Nanostache('Hello {{ isMale ? mr : mrs }} {{ getLastName }}. Your balance is {{ balance }}€.', {
  isMale: v => v.gender == 'male',
  getLastName: v => v.name.split(' ')[1]
// 'Hello mr Bond. Your balance is 15€.'

Advanced, delimiters can be updated

This will update delimiters from {{var}} to {var}. Use regexr.com to create easily your delimiter's Regex.

import * as nanostache from '@solid-js/nanostache';
nanostache.delimitersRegex = new RegExp('{(.*?)}', 'gm');