
Primitive that provides reactive wrappers for storage access

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solidPrimitivesStorage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@solid-primitives/storage';



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Creates a primitive to reactively access both synchronous and asynchronous persistent storage APIs similar to localStorage.


npm install @solid-primitives/storage
# or
yarn add @solid-primitives/storage

How to use it

Basic Usage

createStorage is meant to wrap any localStorage-like API to be as accessible as a Solid Store. The main differences are

  • that this store is persisted in whatever API is used,
  • that you can only use the topmost layer of the object and
  • that you have additional methods in an object as the third part of the returned tuple:
const [store, setStore, {
  remove: (key: string) => void;
  clear: () => void;
  toJSON: () => ({ [key: string]: string });
}] = createStorage({ api: sessionStorage, prefix: 'my-app' });

setStore('key', 'value');
store.key; // 'value'

The props object support the following parameters:

api : an array of or a single localStorage-like storage API; default will be localStorage if it exists; an empty array or no API will not throw an error, but only ever get null and not actually persist anything

prefix : a string that will be prefixed every key inside the API on set and get operations

serializer / deserializer : a set of function to filter the input and output; the serializer takes an arbitrary object and returns a string, e.g. JSON.stringify, whereas the deserializer takes a string and returns the requested object again.

options : for APIs that support options as third argument in the getItem and setItem method (see helper type StorageWithOptions<O>), you can add options they will receive on every operation.

There are a number of convenience Methods primed with common storage APIs and our own version to use cookies:


Asynchronous storage APIs

In case you have APIs that persist data on the server or via ServiceWorker in a CookieStore, you can wrap them into an AsyncStorage or AsyncStorageWithOptions API and use them with createAsyncStorage:

type CookieStoreOptions = {
  path: string;
  domain: string;
  expires: DOMTimeStamp;
  sameSite: "None" | "Lax" | "Strict"
const CookieStoreAPI: AsyncStorageWithOptions<CookieStoreOptions> = {
  getItem: (key) => cookieStore.get(key),
  getAll: () => cookieStore.getAll(),
  setItem: (key: string, value: string, options: CookieStoreOptions = {}) => cookieStore.set({
    ...options, name, value
  removeItem: (key) => cookieStore.delete(key),
  clear: async () => {
    const all = await cookieStore.getAll();
    for (const key of all) {
      await cookieStore.delete(key);
  key: async (index: number) => {
    const all = await cookieStore.getAll();
    return Object.keys(all)[index];

const [cookies, setCookie, {
    remove: (key: string) => void;
    clear: () => void;
    toJSON: () => ({ [key: string]: string });
}] = createAsyncStorage({ api: CookieStoreAPI, prefix: 'my-app' });

await setStore('key', 'value');
await store.key; // 'value'

It works exactly like a synchronous storage, with the exception that you have to await every single return value. Once the CookieStore API becomes more prevalent, we will integrate support out of the box.

If you cannot use document.cookie, you can overwrite the entry point using the following tuple:

import { cookieStorage } from '@solid-primitives/storage';

cookieStorage._cookies = [object: { [name: string]: CookieProxy }, name: string];

If you need to abstract an API yourself, you can use a getter and a setter:

const CookieAbstraction = {
  get cookie() { return myCookieJar.toString() }
  set cookie(cookie) {
    const data = {};
    cookie.replace(/([^=]+)=(?:([^;]+);?)/g, (_, key, value) => { data[key] = value });
cookieStorage._cookies = [CookieAbstraction, 'cookie'];

createStorageSignal is meant for those cases when you only need to conveniently access a single value instead of full access to the storage API:

const [value, setValue] = createStorageSignal("value", { api: cookieStorage });

value(); // 'value'

As a convenient additional method, you can also use createCookieStorageSignal(key, initialValue, options).


If you want to build your own Storage and don't want to do a .clear() method youself:

const storageWithClearMethod = addClearMethod(storage_without_clear_method);




Expand Changelog


Initial release


First proper release of storage engine with CJS support.


Patch CJS support.


Minor patch fixed missing types.


Updated to Solid 1.3


Patched peerDependency issue