
card component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import springernatureGlobalCard from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@springernature/global-card';


Global card


To include global-card in your application, you need to choose ONE brand from those available. The DEFAULT brand is included in all other brands, and any settings that are not configured will fall back to default.


First include the styling to be compiled:

// Pick ONE of the brands below to include
@import '@springernature/global-card/scss/10-settings/default';
@import '@springernature/global-card/scss/10-settings/nature';
@import '@springernature/global-card/scss/10-settings/springer';
@import '@springernature/global-card/scss/10-settings/springernature';

// Include this with your other components
@import '@springernature/global-card/scss/50-components/card';

Then compile the template located in the ./view folder whenever the component is needed. See the ./demo/context.json to see what the data would look like.


Cards should almost always exist as list items for accessibility. It is highly recommended the parent list element (<ul>) takes the l-grid class from the global-layout-grid component (and accompanying custom property-based settings) and that each card is placed inside an <li>.

In the following example, custom properties are used to adjust the gap (gutter) and target/idealized card width (here set to 230px):

<!-- cards are always list items, organized in a `<ul>` -->
<ul class="l-grid" style="--grid-gap: 1.5em; --grid-basis: min(230px, 100%)">
{{#with data}}
    {{#each cards}}


Aspect ratio

By default, the aspect ratio for the space into which the image is placed is 16 / 9. This can be adjusted by placing an aspectRatio property on the card’s data. This is a string.

"aspectRatio": "1 / 1"

Heading level

For cards that have a title/heading, you may need to adjust their heading levels to befit the context. For example, if a set of cards are introduced with an <h3> heading, the cards should each have a heading level of 4 to mark them as subsections under the <h3> (they belong the the <h3>’s section in the document outline). You can control the the heading level with the level property. Note that level should be a string, not an integer.

"level": "4"

Note that this is achieved using aria-level, so the appearance (font size) of the heading/title remains unaffected.

Each card should have the same heading level, so if you change it to, say, 4 for one card, you need to apply it to each of the accompanying cards in the array.

No shape

By applying noShape: true, the border, background, and box-shadow are removed (and padding is removed from the content area accordingly).

"noShape": true

No faux block link

If your card contains links in the body text, they will not be reachable when u-link-faux-block() is included and active. By applying noBlockLink to the card, you can remove this feature.

"noBlockLink": true