
YAML reader for static pages.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import staticPagesYamlReader from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@static-pages/yaml-reader';


Static Pages / YAML reader

YAML (and JSON) reader. Reads every file matching a given pattern. Produces an iterable.

JSON files are also supported by this package, since JSON is a subset of the YAML spec.


import reader from '@static-pages/yaml-reader';

const iterable = reader({
  cwd: '.',
  pattern: '**/*.yaml',
  incremental: false,
  fstat: false,
  attrKey: 'attr',

// one item in the iterable:
// {
//   header: {
//     cwd: '/path/to/pages',
//     path: 'folder/file.yaml',
//     dirname: 'folder',
//     basename: 'file',
//     extname: '.yaml'
//   },
//   attr: {
//     yamlAttribute1: '...',
//     yamlAttribute2: '...',
//     ...
//   }
// }

header is extended with the fs.fstat() data if options.fstat is true.

When options.incremental is true

  • fs.fstat() is called on the files. If you need fstat data, its cheaper to set options.fstat to true instead of calling fstat again later by yourself.
  • When iteration is done on the iterable a timestamp is saved to a .incremental file in the process.cwd(). This can be configured with options.incremental, see below.


reader(options: Options): Iterable<Data>


  • options.cwd (default: process.cwd()) sets the current working directory.
  • options.pattern (default: **/*.yaml) a glob pattern that marks the files to read.
  • options.attrKey (default: (empty)) file contents will be put under this key in the returned data object to prevent polluting the root level (eg. prevent the overwrite of the header field). When left empty the contents are put to the root level.
  • options.incremental (default: false) return only those files that are newer than the datetime of the end of the last iteration of the files. Alternatively you can suppile a path describing where to store the incremental info. By default it creates a .incremental file in the process.cwd().
  • option.fstat (default: false) merge fstat data into header.


  • data.header contains metadata about the file.
    • header.cwd is the base directory wich contains the file.
    • header.path is the file path relative to the header.cwd.
    • header.dirname is equivalent to path.dirname(header.path).
    • header.basename is equivalent to path.basename(header.path, header.extname).
    • header.extname is equivalent to path.extname(header.path).
    • header is extended with fstat data if options.fstat is true.
  • data.attr contains the data read from the source YAML file.

Where to use this?

This module can be used to generate static HTML pages from *.yaml sources. Read more at the Static Pages JS project page.