
pivot for path hierarchy

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import streetstriderRootpath from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@streetstrider/rootpath';



Travis Coveralls ISC licensed flowtype typescript npm|@streetstrider/rootpath

Address Node.js project's files relatively to project's root.


Consider the following structure:


If you want to address config from App you could use composition of __dirname, path joining and relative paths. This becomes messy and uncontrollable very quickly. There's a place for an abstraction which would encapsulate point in fs hierarchy and allow to construct paths and address files in clean and easy manner.


import rootpath from '@streetstrider/rootpath'

function App ()
  /* with rootpath: */
  this.fromroot = rootpath()
   * which means: "pinpoint project's root directory (where package.json)."

  /* it is also possible to supply path or path segments manually */
  this.fromroot = rootpath(__dirname, '..')
  /* or */
  this.fromroot = rootpath([ __dirname, '..' ])
  /* or */
  this.fromroot = rootpath(__dirname + '/..')

  /* on this point `fromroot` becomes a pivot for addressing */
  this.config = load(this.fromroot('cfg', 'config.json'))
  /* or */
  this.config = load(this.fromroot([ 'cfg', 'config.json' ]))
  /* or */
  this.config = load(this.fromroot('cfg/config.json'))

  /* you also can use `rootpath#resolve` as an explicit analogue */
  this.config   = load(this.fromroot.resolve('cfg', 'config.json')

  /* if you need to create concretized view onto fs, use rootpath#partial: */
  this.someModel = new SomeModel(this.fromroot.partial('data/model'))
  /* this creates new instance of rootpath, focused on `data/model` */

  /* get path in space of rootpath */
  var relpath = this.fromroot.relative(some_abspath)

new in v2

  • rootpath() without arguments now works as find-root and use process.cwd() as fallback.
  • support TypeScript and Flow.
  • support glob expressions (including glob negation).


npm install @streetstrider/rootpath


Behavior of this module is similar to std's path#resolve. In addition it also flattens any arrays found in arguments. It will resolve path relative to process.cwd() if path would not be absolute after all computations. This also include glob support and glob negation.

// rootpath with package root or process.cwd() if not inside package.
// any path may be also a glob, including negative glob
new Rootpath(), Rootpath()

// rootpath with given path root
new Rootpath(path, ...), Rootpath(path, ...)

// resolve paths relative to root
rootpath.resolve(path, ...), rootpath(path, ...)

// create new rootpath relative to root + given path
rootpath.partial(path, ...)

// get relative path from root

// does this rootpath contains path as a subpath

// root path of instance can be received via String/toString
var base = String(rootpath)

// one instance can be directly used as base for another
var rootpath = Rootpath(another_rootpath, 'some/path')


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