
A generator to kickstart a WordPress project in a few seconds! ⚡

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import studiometaCreateWordpressProject from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@studiometa/create-wordpress-project';


Create WordPress Project

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A generator to kickstart your WordPress project in a few seconds! ⚡



Run the following command to bootstrap a WordPress project using Studio Meta's tools and workflows:

npx @studiometa/create-wordpress-project project-name

Follow the prompt steps to complete the project creation.

To get started

  • Go to your project folder
  • Create a .env file based on .env.example
  • Generate the salts bin/get-wp-salts.sh and put them in the .env file
  • Install composer dependencies composer install
  • Create a database with WPCLI ./vendor/bin/wp db create (this command is using the variables filled in .env file)
  • Install WordPress with WPCLI ./vendor/bin/wp core install --url="<PROJECT_URL>" --admin_user="<ADMIN_USER>" --admin_email="<ADMIN_EMAIL>" --title="<SITE_TITLE>
  • Install NPM dependencies npm i
  • Have fun !


This tool will generate a WordPress project managed by Composer and Webpack. See the readme.md file in the template folder for a more detailed documentation.


This project's branches are managed with Git Flow, every feature branch must be merged into develop via a pull request.


  • Test if Wordpress loads plugins in a subfolder of wp-content/plugins/
  • Test if Wordpress loads mu-plugins in a subfolder of wp-content/mu-plugins/
  • Test if Wordpress loads themes in a subfolder of wp-content/themes/
  • Use a child theme