
A ember-cli-deploy plugin to build and push a docker image.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import summitElectricSupplyEmberCliDeployDocker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@summit-electric-supply/ember-cli-deploy-docker';


Ember CLI Deploy Docker

A ember-cli-deploy plugin to build and push a docker image.


  • Ember.js v3.16 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above


ember install @summit-electric-supply/ember-cli-deploy-docker

ember-cli-deploy Hooks Implemented

For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

  • configure
  • upload

Configuration Options


The root directory where the files matching filePattern will be searched for. By default, this option will use the distDir property of the deployment context, provided by ember-cli-deploy-build.

Default: context.distDir


The path to the Dockerfile, relative to your application root directory.

Default: Dockerfile


Additional arguments array that will be passed to the docker build command.

Default: []


Additional arguments array that will be passed to the docker push command.

Default: []


The argument to pass to docker build when building, since context.distDir is dynamic. This helps to resolve where to copy files from within the Dockerfile itself.

Default: 'distDir'


When building the image, tag the container as latest in addition to it's specific version tag.

Default: true

name (required)

The docker image repository name.

Default: undefined


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.