
Stylelint shareable config for the SweetAlert2 SCSS coding style

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sweetalert2StylelintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sweetalert2/stylelint-config';


Stylelint shareable config for the SweetAlert2 SCSS coding style

SCSS linting rules, this extends the basic stylelint rules for use with SweetAlert2's projects.


yarn add --dev @sweetalert2/stylelint-config


  "extends": "@sweetalert2/stylelint-config",
  "rules": {
    // Additional, per-project rules...

example package.json script

"scripts": {
  "lint:scss": "stylelint **/*.scss --cache",

which would allow you to lint your project via yarn lint:scss