
Provide connected components aka containers for @talend/react-cmf based on @talend/react-components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import talendReactContainers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@talend/react-containers';


React Talend Containers

This library provide a set of widgets to be ready to start with react-cmf


Travis CI dependencies devdependencies peerdependencies


  • react
  • @talend/react-cmf
  • @talend/react-components
  • classnames

How to use

in your app index.js file

import containersModule from '@talend/react-containers';
import cmf from '@talend/react-cmf';
import components from './components';
import expressions from './expressions';

const myApp = {
    settingsURL: '/settings.json',
    modules: [ containersModule ],


This library is architectured around one concept: Connect components provided by @talend/react-components which implement our style guide

A component here should never embed HTML or CSS. Only connection to the store and behavior should be done.

All the state should be synchronised with redux using react-cmf API.

Every component do not change the API of the stateless componet which is behind. They add some APIs to let you use react-cmf's actions.

How to contribute

First please take a look at our contributing guildelines.

List of containers

You can find full demo at http://talend.surge.sh/containers