
In your extension, add `LoggerMain` as a dependency and create a new logger by running ``` LoggerMain.createLogger('your-extension-id'); ```

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import teambitLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@teambit/logger';


Create a logger

In your extension, add LoggerMain as a dependency and create a new logger by running


Log to a file

The following standard methods are available to log into a file. By default it's the debug.log file located at ~/Library/Caches/Bit/logs for Mac/Linux or $LOCALAPPDATA\Bit for Windows.

logger.trace(message: string, ...meta: any[]);
logger.debug(message: string, ...meta: any[]);
logger.info(message: string, ...meta: any[]);
logger.warn(message: string, ...meta: any[]);
logger.error(message: string, ...meta: any[]);

The message color is coded uniquely per extension-id. This way, it's easier to scroll the logs and distinguish between the extensions.

The format of the message logged to the file is "TIMESTAMP LEVEL: EXT-ID, MSG [META]". The "[META]" part is JSON.stringify of the second parameter in case it's an object. Otherwise, it's ignored.

JSON format is available as well. To use it, run bit config set log_json_format true.

It's possible to have the console as an extra layer so these messages will be printed to the screen as well, see below.

Log also to the console

To see the same massages above printed into the screen, use the global flag --log [level]. For example, bit status --log=error. Alternatively, you can set an environment variable BIT_LOG with the desired level.

The format of the message logged to the console is "MSG [META]" The "[META]" part is the same as above.

Report progress

During the command execution it's helpful to see the progress on the screen. The following options log to the file and in addition, print to the screen. Use only these methods and avoid calling console.log to not break the output (or potentially the JSON structure).

Please note that these methods print to the screen only when a command is not considered "internal" (such commands normally run on the remote server) and when a command is not used with --json flag. To specifically disable console-printing to a command, set the loader property to false.

Status Line (spinner)

The status-line is a single line on the bottom of the screen, with a spinner/loader prefix. It's changing constantly during the command execution. This is the main indicator for the end-user of what's going on at the moment.

To set the text of this status-line, call:

logger.setStatusLine(text: string);

Once the command completed, the spinner is stopped and the status-line is cleared. Then, the command results are printed. If, for some reason, it is needed to clear the status-line before, just call logger.clearStatusLine().

Persist text

Sometimes it's helpful to indicate that a phase has completed. Either successfully or failed. The following methods help with this:

// print to the screen with a green `✔` prefix. if message is empty, print the last logged message.
logger.consoleSuccess(message?: string);

// print to the screen with a red `✖` prefix. if message is empty, print the last logged message.
logger.consoleFailure(message?: string);

To print without any prefix, use logger.console(message);

Long Running Process Logger

Run the following to get an instance of the LongProcessLogger and start logging the process description.

logger.createLongProcessLogger(processDescription: string, totalItems?: number): LongProcessLogger;

If the process involves iteration over a list of items, such as running tag on a list of components, then pass the totalItems as the total number of the components in the list.

Later, during the iteration, call logProgress(componentName) on the LongProcessLogger instance. once done, call end(), which logs the duration of the process in ms.

Here is an example of the messages produced by this longProcessLogger. The status-line always shows the last message.

teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components (total: 20)
teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components (1/20). ui/button
teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components (2/20). ui/form
teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components (20/20). ui/page
teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components (completed in 200ms)

An example when there is no totalItems.

teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components
teambit.workspace/workspace, loading components (completed in 200ms)