
xyz design system

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tinyStudioXyzDesign from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@tiny.studio/xyz-design';


XYZ Design System

Welcome to the source code repository for XYZ Design System, brought to you by Joey Comeau.

XYZ is...

  • Tailored for building React apps: Using the XYZ Design System markup and CSS framework results in UIs that reflect the a clean look and feel.
  • Continuously updated: As long as you’re using the latest version of the XYZ Design System, your pages are always up to date with UI changes.

Getting Started

This project utilizes Storybook for component development. If you would like to know more about Storybook or how it works, check out their website.

Project Installation & Setup:

  1. Clone the repository down locally.
  2. cd into the project and run npm install to install all project dependencies.

Running the Development Environment:

The Storybook development environment can be started by running npm run storybook

Whenever you add, remove, or alter a component's css annotation metadata, Storybook will auto-reload to see those changes.


npm run storybook

Starts the Storybook server for local development.

npm run build

Build XYZ Design System.

npm link

Create a XYZ Design System link for local usage.