
A self-validating React form component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tkdajReactValidatedForm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@tkdaj/react-validated-form';



NPM repo: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tkdaj/react-validated-form

bugs can be reported to: tkdaj.packages@gmail.com

This project includes both a ValidatedReduxForm and a regular ValidatedForm. The purpose of both is to take the headache out of validating forms for you! All you need to do is use one of these components instead of a regular <form> tag, and use standard html validation on your fields (like required, pattern, min, max, etc) and the component keeps track of your errors for you. You can also add custom error messages and a custom function for validation logic per field. The only standard form property this component doesn't accept is "onSubmit". That is because it has it's own onSubmit function, and after validating the data, it will either fire the onValidSubmissionAttempt or the onInvalidSubmissionAttempt.

Here is an example:

    import { ValidatedReduxForm } from '@tkdaj/react-validated-form';
    import { TextField } from '@material-ui/core';

          input1: {
              errorText: "Please enter a valid number."
          theradios: {
            errorText: "You messed up. The correct answer is 3!",
            isValid: (e) => e.taget.value === '3'
        onValidSubmissionAttempt={(e, formValues) => {
          console.log("valid submission", formValues);
        onInvalidSubmissionAttempt={(e, formValues) => {
          console.log("invalid submission", formValues);
          onChange={e => this.setState({ thecheckbox: e.target.checked })}
        <label htmlFor="theradios">
            checked={this.state.theradios === '1'}
            onChange={e => this.setState({ theradios: e.target.value })}
            checked={this.state.theradios === '2'}
            onChange={e => this.setState({ theradios: e.target.value })}
            checked={this.state.theradios === '3'}
            onChange={e => this.setState({ theradios: e.target.value })}
          onChange={e => this.setState({ input1: e.target.value })}
          label="Input 1"
          inputProps={{ pattern: '\\d+' }}
        <label htmlFor="theselect">Dropdown</label>
          onChange={e => this.setState({ theselect: e.target.value })}
          onBlur={e => this.setState({ theselect: e.target.value })}
          <option value="">Default</option>
          <option value="1">1</option>
          <option value="2">2</option>
          <option value="3">3</option>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
        <button onClick={this.formRef?.current?.resetFormSubmitted} type="button">
          Reset form submitted value
      <ValidatedReduxForm />


All regular attributes which can be applied to a form work here too except for onSubmit

name: required for the form as well as ALL validatable fields -- If you do not have a name on a field, you will get a warning logged to your console. Since sometimes it is difficult or impossible to add a name to a field (when using third party libraries), the next prop is available to mute those warnings.

onInvalidSubmissionAttempt: If a submission is attempted, but it is invalid, this funcion will be called. Two parameters are passed - the submit event object and the object containing the validated form's values and errors.

onValidSubmissionAttempt: If a submission is attempted, and it is valid, this funcion will be called. Two parameters are passed - the submit event object and the object containing the validated form's values and errors.

hideNameWarnings optional as described in the name section of this API, names are required, so you will get a warning logged to the console if one of your fields is missing a name by default. You can turn this off by setting hideNameWarnings to true.

formErrorClass: optional Specific error class to be applied to the entire form

customValidators: optional An object which can contain custom error messages or validation logic within an isValid function. It should be shaped like this:

customValidators: {
    [fieldName: string]: {
      isValid?: (value: any) => boolean;
      errorText?: string;

If you don't supply any custom error text, then the default HTML5 error text will be used.

onFormChanged: optional [ValidatedForm ONLY] It fires any time a form value is changed and the function is shaped as follows:

  onFormChanged?: (
    updatedField: HTMLFormElement,
    updatedFormState: IValidatedFormState
  ) => void;

Data Structure

A single form follows the shape shown in IValidatedFormState shown here:

export interface IValidatedFormState {
  submissionAttempted: boolean;
  formIsValid: boolean;
  formValues: FormValues;

export type FormValues = {
  [fieldName: string]: {
    value: any;
    error: string;

Using Without Redux

To use the standard ValidatedForm without redux, you use it in place of a normal <form> tag. Since the non-redux form does not have access to a global store to store the validated data in, there are 2 methods specifically added to ValidatedForm which are meant to be accessed from outside the form: getFormData and resetFormSubmitted In order to access these, create a ref object using React.createRef() or the useRef(null) hook. Then, add the created ref to your ValidatedForm like:

import { ValidatedForm } from '@tkdaj/react-validated-form';
<ValidatedForm name="myForm" ref={this.myFormRef} />;

Once you have done that you can access the function using the ref. For example: this.myFormRef.current.getFormData() or this.myFormRef.current.resetFormSubmitted()

Using With Redux

Since all of the form data is stored inside redux with this component, there is no need for an accessible getFormData function as shown in the "Using Without Redux" section above, but resetFormSubmitted is still publicly available. In order to access it use a ref as shown in the instructions above under "Using Without Redux". For simplicity, all forms are stored inside redux under the name: validatedForms. If you want to get data from a form it will be validatedForms.myFormName where myFormName is the name of one of your ValidatedReduxForms. The only boilerplate you need to do to set this up other than using the component is:

import { validatedForms } from '@tkdaj/react-validated-form';
// important! You must use the name 'validatedForms' when adding it to your store otherwise the ValidatedReduxForm component won't be able to update the proper values

In the case of both redux and non-redux forms you should store the form field's values and set their onChange like normal. See src/Demo/ReduxFormDemo.tsx or src/Demo/StandardFormDemo.tsx for more information.