
tl;dr: define models for your data with different primary keys and indexes, throw them all in one DynamoDB table, and get efficient querying out of the box.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tradleDynamodb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@tradle/dynamodb';



tl;dr: define models for your data with different primary keys and indexes, throw them all in one DynamoDB table, and get efficient querying out of the box.


We created this ORM tool at Tradle to achieve several goals with DynamoDB:

  • index an arbitrary number of models according whatever properties make sense for each one individually, all in one table (we use "index overloading")
  • be able to easily re-index all resources for a given model if the model changes ("index overloading" to the rescue again)
  • be able to create a table first and design data models later. Otherwise you really have to get it right the first time!


See an example


Your table's primary keys and indexes are shared across all models. Based on what you choose as primary keys and indexes per model, those properties will get stored in duplicate: as properties of the object iself, as well as projected into the table's overloaded primary keys and indexes.