
A strongly-typed "tweening" utility for use with TypeScript and JavaScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsdotnetTweenFactory from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@tsdotnet/tween-factory';


alt text" title="tsdotnet"> tsdotnet / tween-factory

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A strongly-typed "tweening" utility for use with TypeScript and JavaScript.

Designed from the ground up with TypeScript in mind, tween-factory makes configuring and activating tweens easy and worry free. See examples below.


All entities include JS Docs and full intellisense support.



tween: Anything that modifies a set of properties over time.

property range: The numeric ranged values of a specific property.

active tween: Any tween that has been activated.

tween behavior: Typically the configuration of duration and easing function.

disposable: Something that can be disposed. (Calling .dispose() on an active tween will cancel it.)



import tweenFactory from '@tsdotnet/tween-factory';

Configuring a one-time tween

const tweenBehavior = tweenFactory(1000 /*milliseconds*/).updateOnAnimationFrame();
tweenBehavior.tween(point, {x:100, y:50}, optionalEasingFunction); 


const tweenBehavior = tweenFactory().updateOnInterval(1);
tweenBehavior.duration(1000).tween(point, {x:100, y:50}, optionalEasingFunction); 


const tweenBehavior = tweenFactory().updateOnAnimationFrame();
tweenBehavior.duration(1000).easing(fn).tween(point, {x:100, y:50}); 

Reusing the factory

A tween behavior can be reused as a base for other settings.

const tweenBehavior = tweenFactory(1000, defaultEasingFunction).updateOnAnimationFrame();
tweenBehavior // point 1 and 2 will be synchronized
    .add(point1, {x:100, y:50})
    .add(point2, {x:80, y:30})

// sometime later ...
    .tween(point3, {x:50, y:110});

Listening for events

Tweens expose events for reacting to their life-cycle.

  • .started (only once) when the tween has been activated.
  • .updated for every update signal a tween has processed.
  • .completed (only once) when an update has signaled the tween has reached its end or the .complete() method has been called.
  • .disposed (only once) after completion or the .dispose() method was called.
    .tween(point3, {x:50, y:110})
    .events.completed(()=> /* do something */);


await tweenBehavior
    .tween(point3, {x:50, y:110})

For more details about the event API: tsdotnet / event-factory

Overriding / interrupting

New tweens will always override any active property ranges.

This policy is to prevent any unexpected 'fight' between two tweens.
The later is always the winner.

The following will hi-jack the x property of point2 but the y property will still continue as originally configured.

const tweenBehavior = tweenFactory(1000, defaultEasingFunction).updateOnAnimationFrame();
tweenBehavior // point 1 and 2 will be synchronized
    .add(point1, {x:100, y:50})
    .add(point2, {x:80, y:30})

    .tween(point2, {x:50});

Possible Future

  • Modifying non-number values like 100px.
  • Simple tween chaining is currently supported, but a more appropriate 'sequence' API may be required.
  • Looping.