
Generic functionality for connecting to NetSuite Web Services from Node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twecNodeSuite from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@twec/node-suite';



(Node + NetSuite)

This package contains functionality for connecting to NetSuite Web Services from Node, handling token authorization and SOAP XML parsing, and allows fetching records and uploading files.


npm install @twec/node-suite

Use in your node app


const NetSuite = require('node-suite');
// or: import NetSuite from 'node-suite';


When instatiating your netsuite object, you'll need to provide a config object with connection details. See config.json.example.

const netSuiteConfig = {
  // various properties
  // see config.json.example
  // or the defaultConfig in index.js
const ns = new NetSuite(netSuiteConfig);

Get a record

const record = await ns.get({
  // Specify one or more of these properties
  type: '',
  internalId: '',
  externalId: ''

Upload a file

const fileRef = await ns.upload(
  './some/local/dir/my-file.csv', // local file 
  'uploads/my-file.csv', // NetSuite target file path


Checkout other methods: look at the netsuite object console.log(ns); and read index.js.


Currently you can only fetch records (get operation), upload a file (upsert operation), and fetch folders.

Unit Testing

npm test will run both the AVA unit tests and ESLint.

Test it out locally

  • Create a config.json in the root of the package directory; see config.json.example for an example of the format expected.
  • Modify config.json to have the appropriate connection strings (likely pointing to sandbox)
  • Modify test.js to comment-out code to run a specific test
  • Run node test.js