
Link Preview Component written as Shareable Custom Elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import unfurlElements from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@unfurl/elements';


Unfurl Elements

Framework agnostic link preview component as seen on https://unfurl.io/

Getting Unfurl Free API Token

  • Signup on https://unfurl.io/ or Signin if you are already registered.

  • After login, from the dashboard navigate to Generate/Manage your Api Tokens here.

  • Next, in Create API Token section assign a token name and click on create.

Note: Please save the generated api token, it is only displayed for one time.


using npm:

$ npm install @unfurl/elements

or yarn:

$ yarn add @unfurl/elements


Simply import the package in your entry point , eg: main.js or main.ts

import '@unfurl/elements';

and then you can use the preview component in your app

<unf-preview mode="detailed" layout="list" device="desktop"></unf-preview>



  • mode: 'simple' | 'compact' | 'detailed
  • layout: 'list' | 'grid'
  • device: 'mobile' | 'desktop'