
Debug HTTP printer for pino

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import unicsmcrPinoHttpPrint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@unicsmcr/pino-http-print';



Debug HTTP printer for pino



const printerFactory = require('pino-http-print')
const printer = printerFactory()
var logger = require('pino-http')(printer)
const printerFactory = require('pino-http-print')
const printer = printerFactory()
const logger = require('express-pino-logger')(printer)

Same for koa-pino-logger and restify-pino-logger, just pass in the printer stream.

Example Output

[1574071926285] GET http://localhost:20000/api/activity/component 200\n


printerFactory(options, pinoPrettyOptions) => ( Function([Stream]) => Stream )

Returns a new printer. The common options between this and pino-pretty options are set from the first object itself. pinoPrettyOptions is forwarded to pino-pretty for non-http logs (when all is true).

See the Options section for all possible options.

printer([Stream]) => Stream

Returns a stream that will pull off


Options argument for printerFactory with keys corresponding to the options described in CLI Arguments:

  colorize: chalk.supportsColor, // --colorize
  all: false, // --all
  translateTime: false, // --translateTime
  relativeUrl: false, // --relativeUrl
  lax: false  // --lax

The colorize default follows chalk.supportsColor.


npm install -g pino-http-print

Spin up server that uses a pino http logger and pipe it to pino-http-print

node server | pino-http-print

CLI Arguments

  • -all (-a): Causes pino-http-print to also print non-HTTP log messages by passing them through to pino-pretty.
  • --colorize (-c): Adds terminal color escape sequences to the output.
  • --translateTime (-t): Translate the epoch time value into a human readable date and time string. This flag also can set the format string to apply when translating the date to human readable format. This is the same as pino-pretty translateTime
    • The default format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o in UTC.
  • --relativeUrl (-r): print only the relative url


