
Simple React component that displays a nested object recursively with a choice of markup.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import unleashitRecursiveDataLister from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@unleashit/recursive-data-lister';


Recursive Data Lister

NPM npm (scoped) npm bundle size

React component that outputs a nested object/array recursively with options such as choice of html and choice of leaf key for arrays of objects.

recursive data lister component


npm install @unleashit/recursive-data-lister

Required peer dependencies: react.


import React from 'react';
import RecursiveDataLister from '@unleashit/recursive-data-lister';

const users = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'joe',
    booksRead: [
        title: 'The Castle',
        author: 'Franz Kafka',
        title: 'Waynes World 2',
        author: 'Mike Meyers IV',
    id: 2,
    name: 'judy',
    age: 27,
    booksRead: [
        title: 'The Overcoat',
        author: 'Nikolai Gogol',
        editions: ['first: 1842', 'second: 1844'],

const RecursiveDataListerDemo = () => (
    displayAsList={true} // For array only: show first level children as separate parents. False is default (outputs as a single top level object)
    tag="ul" // parent html tag. ul is default, you can also choose ol or div
    arrayLeafPropName="title" // if set, this will use the property as node labels for arrays of objects (instead of the index). Careful with this, it only works with one property!
    repeatLeafPropName={false} // true is default. If arrayLeafPropName is set, this will remove the prop from the array so it isn't repeated

export default RecursiveDataListerDemo;


Basic namespaced (BEM) css can be imported: import '@unleashit/recursive-data-lister/dist/recursive-data-lister.css'. CSS Module support is baked in. If you use CSS Modules you can import styles from '@unleashit/recursive-data-lister/dist/recursive-data-lister.module.css' or import your own custom module targeting the internal classes and pass to the cssModuleStyles prop. Please see CSS in the main readme of the repo for more info.

API and Props

interface RecursiveDataListerProps {
  data: { [key: string]: any } | any[];
  tag?: string;
  displayAsList?: boolean;
  arrayLeafPropName?: string | null;
  repeatLeafPropName?: boolean;
  dateFormat?: (val: Date) => string | number;
  cssModuleStyle?: { [key: string]: string };
Name Type Description default
data object or array object to display required
displayAsList boolean For array only: show first level children as separate parents false
tag string Parent HTML tag for a choice of ordered/unordered list or plain divs ul
arrayLeafPropName string if set, this will use the property as node labels for arrays of objects (instead of the index) null
repeatLeafPropName boolean If arrayLeafPropName is set, this will remove the prop from the array so it isn't repeated false
dateFormat function Callback to process Date objects, receives the Date object (elem) => elem.toString()
cssModuleStyles object CSS Module object that optionally replaces default. Class names need to match expected names. BEM class