
util to insert variables in text

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utftTt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@utft/tt';


tt - text template


    npm install @utft/tt

tt replace variables like $FOO ${FOO} and {{FOO}}

tt can be used pro by cli and programmatically

  • If input is file tt place new file in output path
  • If input is dir tt replace variables recursive in files and subdirs and place them in output dir relatively by their path from input dir

cli tt has a format tt input output

Cli options

  • -e FOO=bar and --env FOO=bar add variable
  • --env-file /.env add variables form file


Cli file

initial paths


file by path /input/file
Lorem $FOO ipsum ${FOO} dolor sit {{FOO}} amet

npx @utft/tt -e FOO=bar /input/file /output/new/path/file

result paths


file by path /output/new/path/file
Lorem bar ipsum bar dolor sit bar amet

Cli dir

initial paths


file by path /input/file
Lorem $FOO ipsum ${FOO} dolor sit {{FOO}} amet
file by path /input/subdir/file
Lorem $FOO ipsum ${FOO} dolor sit {{FOO}} amet

npx @utft/tt -e FOO=bar /input /output

result paths


file by path /output/file
Lorem bar ipsum bar dolor sit bar amet
file by path /output/subdir/file
Lorem bar ipsum bar dolor sit bar amet

Programmatically replace variables in files

    import tt from '@utft/tt'

    ;(async () => {
        const env = {FOO: 'bar'}
        const replacedString = await tt.convertFiles('/path/to/input', 'path/to/output', env)

String prepare

tt can prepare string to insert variables, tt looks for variables only once when call tt.prepare(), further it only substitutes the variables

    import tt from '@utft/tt'
    import fs from 'fs'

    const textToReplace = '$FOO 1 ${FOO} 2 {{FOO}}'
    const preparedToInsert = tt.prepare(textToReplace)
    preparedToInsert({FOO: 'bar'}) // 'bar 1 bar 2 bar'
    preparedToInsert({FOO: 'ho'}) // 'ho 1 ho 2 ho'