
Vaadin Component Factory Popup for Polymer 3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vaadinComponentFactoryVcfPopup from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vaadin-component-factory/vcf-popup';



This is the npm version vcf-popup developed using Polymer 3.

<vcf-popup> is a Web Component providing an easy way to hide extra content from your webpage and show them to the user whenever they need them.




Install vcf-popup:

npm i @vaadin-component-factory/vcf-popup --save


Once installed, import it in your application:

import '@vaadin-component-factory/vcf-popup';

Add vcf-popup to the page with attribute for that match id element to which popup should be bind to. Now after clicking on target element, popup will be shown.

<vaadin-button theme="icon tertiary" id="more">
  <iron-icon icon="vaadin:ellipsis-dots-h"></iron-icon>
<vcf-popup for="more" close-on-click>
      [part='container'] {
        padding: 5px 10px;
    <div part="container">
      <vaadin-button theme="icon">
        <iron-icon icon="vaadin:edit"></iron-icon>
      <vaadin-button theme="icon">
        <iron-icon icon="vaadin:close"></iron-icon>
      <vaadin-button theme="icon">
        <iron-icon icon="vaadin:plus"></iron-icon>
    </div> </template

Running demo

  1. Fork the vcf-popup repository and clone it locally.

  2. Make sure you have npm installed.

  3. When in the vcf-popup directory, run npm install to install dependencies.

  4. Run npm start to open the demo.


To contribute to the component, please read the guideline first.


Apache License 2.0