
This library contains utils for Angular projects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vakhramoffAngularUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vakhramoff/angular-utils';


Angular Utils

This library contains utils for Angular projects.

Type in a console to install:

npm i @vakhramoff/angular-utils
// in case of yarn
yarn add @vakhramoff/angular-utils


Event Bus

How to import:

import { EventBusService } from '@vakhramoff/angular-utils';

Import service in any component's constructor:

constructor(private eventBus: EventBusService) {}

How to emit

Emit your message:

  type: 'TEST_MESSAGE',
  payload: ['Test message payload']

How to subscribe

Listen to a specific type of messages in other part of your Angular app:

this.eventBus.on('TEST_MESSAGE').subscribe((payload) => {
  // do what you want with a payload...


HTTP Error Handler

Just decorate your methods which return Observables this way:

class DataEndpointService {
  // ...
  public getData(param: string): Observable<DataContract> {
    return this.http.get<DataContract>(`${environment.apiUrl}/data`);
  // ...

The decorator takes one parameter (showAlert) whics is true by default, so if you catch any error, it will show a browser alert. In addition to that, this Decorator logs error into a console.


How to import:

import {
  DirectivesModule as AngularUtilsDirectivesModule
} from '@vakhramoff/angular-utils';

  // ...
  imports: [
    // ...
    // ^ add DirectivesModule to @NgModule.imports section
    // ...
  // ...


Changes the cursor style on the element.

Single-time Usage

Use in your template:

<div [cursor]="'pointer'">
  <!-- ... -->

Variable Binding

Or bind to some variable from the component:

  • example.component.ts:
    public currentCursor: TCursorType = this.isEnabled ? 'pointer' : 'default';
  • example.component.html:
    <div [cursor]="currentCursor">
      <!-- ... -->

Debounce Time

Shows the element after the given amount of milliseconds.

Single-time Usage

Use in your template:

<div *debounceTime="1000">
  <!-- ... -->

Variable Binding

You can bind to some variable from the component.

NOTE: Timer restarts on a variable change!

  • example.component.ts:
    public showAfterMilliseconds: number = 5000;
  • example.component.html:
    <div *debounceTime="showAfterMilliseconds">
      <!-- ... -->


How to import:

import {
  PipesModule as AngularUtilsPipesModule
} from '@vakhramoff/angular-utils';

  // ...
  imports: [
    // ...
    // ^ add PipesModule to @NgModule.imports section
    // ...
  // ...

To Locale String

Transforms given value to a string value in the current locale.

Template Usage

Use in your template:

<span class="current-date">
  {{ today | toLocaleString }}

Component Usage

Use in your component:

  // ...
  providers: [ToLocaleStringPipe],
  // ^ add ToLocaleStringPipe to @Component.providers section

// Inject the Pipe
constructor(private toLocaleStringPipe: ToLocaleStringPipe) {}

// Use the pipe

Injection Tokens

Tokens that can be used in a DI Provider.

For detailed explanation see the official documentation about an InjectionToken.

It's also useful to read about Dependency Injection and Dependency Providers.


Provides access to global window object.

How to use

Use in your component:

import { WINDOW } from '@vakhramoff/angular-utils';

// Inject it in a component's constructor
constructor(@Inject(WINDOW) private readonly window: Window) {
  // And use :)

Local Storage

Provides access to window.localStorage object.

How to use

Use in your component:

import { LOCAL_STORAGE } from '@vakhramoff/angular-utils';

// Inject it in a component's constructor
constructor(@Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE) private readonly localStorage: Storage) {
  // And use :)

Session Storage

Provides access to window.sessionStorage object.

How to use

Use in your component:

import { SESSION_STORAGE } from '@vakhramoff/angular-utils';

// Inject it in a component's constructor
constructor(@Inject(SESSION_STORAGE) private readonly sessionStorage: Storage) {
  // And use :)