
Node Risco Mqtt using local panel API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanackejRiscoMqttLocal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vanackej/risco-mqtt-local';


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Risco MQTT Local integration

Provide Risco alarm panels integration to Home Assistant using Local TCP communication with Panel (no cloud access required)

This project is a fork of risco-mqtt-home-assistant by Alessandro Mancini, using local APIs instead of RiscoCloud APIs. Local APIs are based on TJForc local RISCO communication library


  • Node.js (currently tested with >=ver. 10.x)
  • Mqtt Server - e.g. Mosquitto, HiveMQ, etc.
  • Home Assistant


  • Interaction with RISCO alarm control panel using local APIs.
  • Interaction with MQTT Alarm Control Panel integration in Home Assistant.
  • Interaction with MQTT Binary Sensor integration in Home Assistant.
  • Home Assistant MQTT Auto Discovery.
  • RISCO multipartitions.


npm install @vanackej/risco-mqtt-local


Create a file config.json in your project directory.

  "log": "info", // Optional, default to "info"
  "panel": {
    "panelIp": "",
    "panelPort": 1000,
    "panelPassword": "1234",
    "panelId": 1,
    "watchDogInterval": 10000
  "mqtt": {
    "url": "mqtt://",
    "username": "MQTT_USERNAME",
    "password": "MQTT_PASSWORD"
  "zones": {
    "default": { // Default zones configuration
      "off_delay": 30, // Optional auto off configuration for detectors. 0 to disable (default value: disabled)
      "name_prefix": "Sensor - " // A common prefix, added before all zone name
    "GARAGE": { // Override config for an individual zone (based on zone label)
      "off_delay": 0, // Disable off_delay for this zone.
      "device_class": "garage_door", // override device class for binary sensor. default to "motion". see HA documentation for available values
      "name": "Garage Door", // Override default name for this zone. Default to zone label
      "name_prefix": "" // Force zone name prefix to empty for this zone

The panel full configuration options are described here : https://github.com/vanackej/risco-lan-bridge#configuration

Subscribe Topics

risco-mqtt-local subscribes at startup one topic for every partition in your risco alarm panel configuration.

Topics format is riscopanel/alarm/<partition_id>/set where partition_id is the id of the partition

Payload could be : disarmed if risco panel is in disarmed mode,armed_home if risco panel is in armed at home mode and armed_away if risco panel is in armed away mode.

Publish Topics

risco-mqtt-local publishes one topic for every partition and for every zones in your risco alarm panel configuration.

Partitions topics format is riscopanel/alarm/<partition_id>/status where partition_id is the id of the partition

Payload could be : disarmed if risco panel is in disarmed mode,armed_home if risco panel is in armed at home mode and armed_away if risco panel is in armed away mode.

Zones topics format is riscopanel/alarm/<partition_id>/sensor/<zone_id>/status where partition_id is the id of the partition and zone_id is the id of the zone.

Payload could be : triggered if zone is curently triggered, and idle if zone is currently idle.

In addition to every zones, risco-mqtt-local publishes a topic for every zone with all the info of the zone in the paylaod in json format. Topics format is riscopanel/alarm/<partition_id>/sensor/<zone_id> where partition_id is the id of the partition and zone_id is the id of the zone.

Home Assistant Auto Discovery

risco-mqtt-local supports mqtt auto discovery feature.

Default <discovery_prefix> is homeassistant. You can change it by overwriting the value within home-assistant-discovery-prefix config.


First, create the config.json file.

Using Node

To start risco-mqtt-local you can simply type:

npx @vanackej/risco-mqtt-local

Using Docker image

docker run -v $(pwd)/config.json:/data/config.json vanackej/risco-mqtt-local


Thanks to TJForc for the local communication library and Alessandro Mancini for his initial work