
Automated Git init

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vanajmoorthyCaddy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vanajmoorthy/caddy';


Caddy 🚗

It's Git, init?

Table of contents

  1. Intro
  2. Installation
  3. Running Caddy
  4. About the name
  5. Can I contribute?
  6. License


Caddy is a super small npm package to make initialising repositories on GitHub much easier.

Without Caddy, initialising a repository takes at least X steps

  1. Open GitHub in your browser and navigate to your profile.
  2. Create a new repository.
  3. Run git init in a folder on your laptop.
  4. Stage your files.
  5. Write a commit message.
  6. Add your GitHub repo as a remote url.
  7. Push your code.

Sounds tedious, doesn't it? Well with Caddy all of that can be reduces to one friendly command.

(Caddy can also be found on npm)


Install Caddy via npm using the command

npm install @vanajmoorthy/caddy -g

Running Caddy

Caddy is super simple to run. Just type in Caddy in your terminal, provide your GitHub credentials, and let Caddy do the rest!

caddy login page

Then you just input the your repo name and description.

caddy name

PS: Caddy even generates a custom .gitignore for you with the files of your choice!

About the name

This is very stupid

Caddies support you. Just like this tool does. And the first automatic car ever released was a Cadillac, and this tool automates creating a GitHub repository for you.

To be entirely honest, I'm very up to name suggestions.

Can I contribute?

I would absolutely love that! You can submit any pull requests you want, any added functionality or optimisation would be welcomed. I was also looking forward to bringing similar versions of Caddy to other native package managers, so any help with that would be great as well!


Caddy lives under the MIT license