
Vapurrmaid's opinionated configuration for prettier

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vapurrmaidPrettierConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vapurrmaid/prettier-config';



This package installs an opinionated prettier configuration.

What's Included

  • .prettierrc configuration file
  • prettier npm package
  • prettier-plugin-organize-imports npm package


NPX (preferred)

Use the following command to install the contents in the current directory.

npx @vapurrmaid/prettier-config

Yarn or NPM

The following installs an executable in node_modules:

# yarn
yarn add -D @vapurrmaid/prettier-config

# npm
npm install --save-dev @vapurrmaid/prettier-config

From there, you must run the executable to install in the current directory:

node ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-config


While I'm an open-source contributor and love collaboration, I use these configurations in my personal/hobby projects. Therefore, I'm generally not accepting contributions outside of security-related concerns. Please feel free to fork your own version or use these configurations.