
Smorgasbord checks for a variety of served files that should not be exposed.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vapurrmaidSmorgasbord from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vapurrmaid/smorgasbord';



Smorgasbord checks the provided endpoint(s) for a variety of served files that should not be exposed. The tool was inspired by a post detailing that 1 in every 600 websites has .git exposed.

SECURITY NOTE: It is generally preferable to favor whitelists over blacklists. Furthermore, it is advised to use a build process or a directory structure that contains files that will be in the webserver root. Avoid serving the entire project root as the webserver root.


The tool may be invoked from the command-line. However, it is intended that overtime, the tool may be used with CI/CD, actions and automated workflows.

Install Globally

npm install -g @vapurrmaid/smorgasbord

Install Locally

npm install @vapurrmaid/smorgasbord

Command Line Interface

Usage: smorgasbord [options] [command]

  -h, --help   output usage information

  probe <uri>  Probes uri for vulnerable resources.



Usage: smorgasbord probe [options] <uri>

Probes uri for vulnerable resources.

  -c, --config <path>      Provide a configuration for a customized probe.
                           The <path> arg should be a path to a JSON file.
  --config-only            Probe will be conducted for the specified --config only.
                           If a --config is not specified, the probe will not be conducted.
  --dry-run                Outputs all endpoints that would be probed without probing them.
  -f, --filters <list>     Probe will be conducted for the specified comma-separated filters only.
                           Filters: docker, git, npm, root
  -v, --verbosity <level>  Set the log level.
                           Levels: none|0, error|1, warn|2, info|3, verbose|4 (default: "info")
  -h, --help               output usage information
smorgasbord probe https://google.com