
Open API Mock

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import varkesOpenapiMock from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@varkes/openapi-mock';


OpenAPI Mock

npm version

The OpenAPI mock mocks the application APIs based on the OpenAPI specification.


The OpenAPI mock brings you the following features:

  • OpenAPI Mock uses Swagger-Express-Middleware to parse, validate, and dereference OpenAPI files. You can also create your custom implementation for responses or errors. See this document to learn how the API mock reacts to incoming requests.

  • Returns the OpenAPI specification as metadata: Call '/metadata' to see the OpenAPI specification in text or x-yaml format.


Make sure you have first executed make resolve from the project root!

To run the OpenAPI mock locally, use an empty configuration:

npm start

To run it locally with debug logs enabled, and an example configuration from the test suite, run:

npm run start:dev

After the startup, you have access to:

  • rest API - http://localhost:10000/myApiBasePath/metadata
  • console - http://localhost:10000/myApiBasePath/console