
Material Tabs bar for VCNkit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vcnkitTabs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vcnkit/tabs';



@vcnkit/tabs is intended to be a lightweight React material tabs bar.



$ npm install --save @vcnkit/tabs


$ yarn add @vcnkit/tabs


The tabs container can be used to simulate an easy to implement material tabs bar.

The container accepts the following props:

Prop Description
width If undefined tries to take all the available width of the parent.
indicatorColor The color of the tab indicator.
onSelect Function with the tab's key parameter that gets called when the selection changes.
selected The key of the tab to select. By default the first tab is selected, if there is no selected prop.
import * as Tabs from '@vcnkit/tabs';

const SomeComponent = () => (
    <Tabs.Container width="4" indicatorColor="#5282B5">
        <Tabs.Tab key="tab">SomeTitle</Tabs.Tab>

The Tab-component accepts one prop; 'key'. It's pretty self-explanatory.

import * as Tabs from '@vcnkit/tabs';

const SomeComponent = () => (
    <Tabs.Container width="4" indicatorColor="rgba(255, 30, 30, 0.75)" selected="tab2">
        <Tabs.Tab key="tab1">SomeTitle 1</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab key="tab2">SomeTitle 2</Tabs.Tab>
        <Tabs.Tab key="tab3">SomeTitle 3</Tabs.Tab>