
A simple store implementation for Veams by using almost the same naming convention like in Redux.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import veamsPluginStore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@veams/plugin-store';


Veams Store Plugin (@veams/plugin-store)

A simple store implementation for Veams by using almost the same naming convention like in Redux.

It is a real simple store to solve basic problems by using:

  1. Observer/Store pattern
  2. A centralized store
  3. A simple data object
  4. A simple update method to add or modify data

For larger projects we recommend Redux.

TypeScript is supported.



npm install @veams/plugin-store --save


yarn add @veams/plugin-store


import Veams from '@veams/core';
import VeamsStore from '@veams/plugin-store';

// Custom Store 
import rootReducer from './store/reducer';
import INITIAL_STATE from './store/app-state';
import subjects from "./store/subjects";

// Intialize core of Veams
Veams.onInitialize(() => {
    // Add plugins to the Veams system
    Veams.use(VeamsStore, {
        reducer: rootReducer,
        state: INITIAL_STATE,
        subjects: subjects

Let's take a look at the necessary files reducer, subjects, app-state.

App State Structure (store/app-state.js)

The state is a simple object which contains your store structure. It is your initial state.

export default {
    data: {},
    ui: {
        overlayOpen: false

Subject Structure (store/subjects.js)

You decide on which element you want to be able to subscribe by using the Subject() class.

import {Subject} from '@veams/plugin-store';

export default {
    data: new Subject(),
    ui: new Subject()

Reducer Structure (store/reducer.js)

Only one reducer is possible. Be sure to broadcast all the changes to the specific observers.

import {state, broadcast} from '@veams/plugin-store';

export default function rootReducer(action, payload) {
    switch (action) {
            state.data = handleGiphysLoaded(state.data, payload);

            state.data = handeGiphysDeleted(state.data);

        case 'UI_OVERLAY_OPEN_ACTION':
            state.ui = handleOverlayOpen(state.ui, payload);

            return state;

Component in Action

The store will be shared as singleton out of the package itself. That's why you can easily import ...

 * Description of ListView.
 * @module ListView
 * @version v0.0.0
 * @author your_name

// Imports
import Component from '@veams/component';
import HttpService from '@veams/http-services';
import { store } from "@veams/plugin-store";

// Services
const giphyService = new HttpService({
    type: 'json',
    url: '/ajax/giphys.json'

class ListView extends Component {
     * Constructor for our class
     * @see module.js
     * @param {Object} obj - Object which is passed to our class
     * @param {Object} obj.el - element which will be saved in this.el
     * @param {Object} obj.options - options which will be passed in as JSON object
    constructor(obj) {
        let options = {
            overlayOpener: '[data-js-item="list-view-cta"]'
        super(obj, options);

    get events() {
        return {
            'click {{this.options.overlayOpener}}': 'showGif'

     * Initialize the view
    initialize() {
        // Let's select the data object and subscribe to the data subject with this component

        // Now we want to fetch some data from the API ... 
            .then(data => {
                // After fetching data, dispatch an action with the response as payload.
                store.dispatch('DATA_GIPHYS_LOADED_ACTION', data);
                // Now we want to unsubscribe from the data subject.


    // This function is necessary when working with the store. 
    // It provides to you the new data object when store data is changed.
    next(data) {
        if (data.giphys) {

     * Render class
    render(data = {}) {
        this.$el.html(this.renderTemplate('c-list-view-tpl', data));

        return this;

    showGif($evt) {
        // Here we dispatch another action 
        store.dispatch('UI_OVERLAY_OPEN_ACTION', true);

export default ListView;