
stateful roving index for web ui

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verndaleRovingUx from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@verndale/roving-ux';


Roving UX

Total Downloads Latest Release License

Turns tedious tab UX into a controlled and stateful experience

Features & Why

1️⃣ User's shouldn't need to tab through each item in a list to see the next list
2️⃣ Providing keyboard list UX should be easy
3️⃣ Maintaining the last focused element should be easy

Getting Started


npm i @verndale/roving-ux

Use the JSDelivr CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@verndale/roving-ux


// import from CDN
import { rovingIndex } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@verndale/roving-ux"; // cdn es2020

// import from NPM
import { rovingIndex } from "@verndale/roving-ux"; // npm es6/common modules
const rovingIndex = require("@verndale/roving-ux"); // commonjs


Quick API Overview

  element: node, // required: the container to get roving index ux
  target: "#foo", // optional: a query selector for which children should be focusable
  callback: (el) => el, // optional: callback that receives the focused element

Example Usage

import { rovingIndex } from "@verndale/roving-ux";

// just one roving ux container
// roving-index will use direct children as focus targets
  element: document.querySelector("#carousel"),
import { rovingIndex } from "@verndale/roving-ux";

// many roving ux containers
// passes a custom query selector so the proper elements get focus
document.querySelectorAll(".horizontal-media").forEach((scroller) => {
    element: scroller,
    target: "a",