
StaticLand functions for Algebraic Data Types based on native JavaScript types

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import visisoftStaticland from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@visisoft/staticland';


NPM Version Statements

@visisoft/staticland v{{ config.meta.version }}

Operations (Mapping, Lensing, etc.) on Algebraic Data Types (ADT) (Either, Maybe, Promise, CancelableComputation) realised with free static functions.

The data-holding types are modelled with "simple" native JavaScript constructs as Array, Promise or Function. Thus, the algebraic operations do not expect objects from ADT classes but work on those "simple" JavaScript types.

Using simple native types means that

  • Conversion between the types is easy, but
  • @visisoft/staticland practically gives up on type inspection and leaves that to the calling code. This is in line with the characteristics of JavaScript.
of map chain Consumption
CancelableComputation cc = (resolve, reject) => () => () new Promise(cc)
Either x => [,x] Array.prototype.map Array.prototype.flatMap xs => xs[1]
Maybe x => [x] Array.prototype.map Array.prototype.flatMap xs => xs[0]
Promise Promise.resolve Promise.then Promise.then Promise.then
IO x => x compose run(compose) call

In a way @visisoft/staticland provides functions which operate on and access types you operate with anyway.

Homepage and Documentation

Hello @visisoft/staticland


When developing for Node.js

npm install @visisoft/staticland

When developing for the browser

npm install --no-optional @visisoft/staticland

Hello Earth

Greeting with a 0.5 sec 2-way delay.

Usage in an ES module

import {map as map_p, mapRej as mapRej_p, chain as chain_p} from '@visisoft/staticland/promise';
import {fromThrowable} from '@visisoft/staticland/either';
import {fromNilable, getOrElse} from '@visisoft/staticland/maybe';
import {curry, pipe} from 'ramda'; // or pipe from 'crocks' or any other composition function

   // :: String -> {k: String} -> Maybe String
   getProperty = R.curry((property, object) => fromNilable(object[property])),
   // :: a -> Promise any a
   delay = x => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500, x)),
   // :: any -> Either Error String
   safeGreet = fromThrowable(x => "Hello " + x.toString() + "!"),
   // :: any -> Promise (Maybe String) String
   getAnswer = R.pipe(
      delay,                            // Promise any             any
      map_p(safeGreet),                 // Promise any             (Either Error String)
      chain_p(delay),                   // Promise any             (Either Error String)
      chain_p(eitherToPromise),         // Promise (any|Error)     String
      mapRej_p(getProperty('message'))  // Promise (Maybe String)  String

.then(console.log, me => console.warn(getOrElse("unknown error", me)));
// -> "Hello Earth!"

.then(console.log, me => console.warn(getOrElse("unknown error", me)));
// -> "Cannot read property 'toString' of null"

Usage in a CommonJS module

   {chain: chain_p} = require('@visisoft/staticland/promise'),
   delay = t => x => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t, x));

chain(delay(500), Promise.resolve("foo")).then(console.log);


Support programming in functional pipelines by exposing a familiar set of operations on asynchronous, optional and faulty data.


Most functions comply with Static-Land`s algebraic laws. Where this is not possible (e.g. nesting of resolved Promises) a few reasonable paradigms have to be followed when using this library.

At the expense of complete algebraic lawfulness the data wrapping remains transparent and light-weight.

The functions are designed to support the usual functional programming style in JavaScript as it is the design philosophy for many libraries for example Ramda's:

  • Emphasise a purer functional style. Immutability and side-effect free functions help to write simple yet elegant code.
  • Automatic currying. This allows you to easily build up new functions from old ones simply by not supplying the final parameters.
  • Parameter order supports convenient currying. The data to be operated on is generally supplied last, so that it's easy to create functional pipelines by composing functions.

Related Fantasy-Land Libraries

Ramda-Fantasy is very well documented, but sadly no longer maintained. Crocks is an exemplary implementation of common data types.


As FP utility library Ramda is used.

closed over

A closure is the combination of a function and the lexical environment within which that function was declared.