
Modal for VSLR UI kit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vivintsolarOssNativeVsModal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vivintsolar-oss/native-vs-modal';



yarn add @vivintsolar-oss/native-vs-modal
// or
// npm install @vivintsolar-oss/native-vs-modal


A flexible modal component built to our design standards.


import { ModalBase } from '@vivintsolar-oss/native-vs-modal';

  const nestProps = {
    animationType: 'none',
    transparent: true,
    hardwareAccelerated: true,
    mainActionText: 'Do Stuff',
    secondaryActionText: 'Close',

  <ModalBase { ...nestProps }>
    <View style={ styles.centerPadding }>
      <Image style={ styles.retry } source={ warningIcon } />
      <VSFont.Default style={ styles.normalFont }>Uh oh, looks like there were no thermostats detected.</VSFont.Default>
      <VSFont.Default style={ styles.smallFont }>Add a thermostat device in your Nest account and try again.</VSFont.Default>
        onPress={ this.refetch }
        text={ 'TRY AGAIN' }

import { ModaPlain } from '@vivintsolar-oss/native-vs-modal';

  const nestProps = {
    animationType: 'none',
    transparent: true,
    hardwareAccelerated: true,

  <ModaPlain { ...nestProps }>
    <View style={ styles.centerPadding }>
      <Image style={ styles.retry } source={ warningIcon } />
      <VSFont.Default style={ styles.normalFont }>Uh oh, looks like there were no thermostats detected.</VSFont.Default>
      <VSFont.Default style={ styles.smallFont }>Add a thermostat device in your Nest account and try again.</VSFont.Default>
        onPress={ this.refetch }
        text={ 'TRY AGAIN' }


Name Default Type Description
visible false boolean Controls visible state of the modal component
children any Children to be rendered in the body of the modal
actionIcon func Render prop used to display the icon on the bottom left of the footer
mainAction func Main action that's used in the footer on the left side
closeAction func Action used in the footer on the right side
mainActionText Settings string Text displayed in the footer on the left side
secondaryActionText Close string Text displayed in the footer on the right side
header object Can use to render a header for the modal
footer object Props passed down to the footer component