
This library was generated with Angular CLI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vmwNgLiveDocs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vmw/ng-live-docs';



This library was generated with Angular CLI

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name --project ng-live-docs to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module --project ng-live-docs.

Note: Don't forget to add --project ng-live-docs or else it will be added to the default project in your angular.json file.


Run ng build ng-live-docs to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test ng-live-docs to execute the unit tests via Karma.

How to use it

To install

npm install @vmw/ng-live-docs for the latest stable release or npm install @vmw/ng-live-docs@next for the upcoming release, which could contain APIs that may not be stable

Generate documentation:

  • Once installed, documentation json files have to be generated for the angular components library and its examples app in the following way:

        node $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION node_modules/@vmw/ng-live-docs/index.js <path_to_package_tsconfig> <path_to_package_entryPoint_Or_publicApi> <docJson_outputFile_path>

Creating examples and their modules:

  • Two files are required for every example and they HAVE to be named in the following format for them to work with NgLiveDocs

    • <component_name>.example.component.ts. The component class name must be <component_name>ExampleComponent
    • <component_name>.example.module.ts. The module class name must be <component_name>ExampleModule. For every .component a .module has to be created.

Please refer to apiviewer example to get an idea about how to create an example and its module

Hosting Compodoc (optional)

Your application may host compodoc to allow the type arguments in the API viewer to link to more extensive documentation. To do:

  • Generate the compodoc by running compodoc -p tsconfig.json in your relevant library.
  • Add this generated folder to the assets of your Angular app
  • Pass an extra argument to NgLiveDocsModule.forRoot to indicate the the URL of compodoc assets

App entry module changes:

  • Import the generated doc jsons into app.module.ts as following

      import componentsDocumentationJson from '../../gen/components-doc.json';
      import examplesDocumentationJson from '../../gen/examples-doc.json';
       * The following 2 constants are declared for AOT compilation purpose. Otherwise, the compilation would silently fail and
       * the doc jsons are given as null to the NgLiveDocsModule.
       * NOTE: The following two has to be exported otherwise the AoT compiler won't see it.
      export const docJson1: CompodocSchema = componentsDocumentationJson;
      export const docJson2: CompodocSchema = examplesDocumentationJson;
  • We use the online IDE Stackblitz to run examples code. Create the Information required for Stackblitz service

      export const sbInfo: StackBlitzInfo = {
          /** ID of a URL to StackBlitz starter project. This has to be created before running the app. */
          templateId: 'vcd-ui-cc-starter-template',
          /** The name of the project displaying examples */
          projectName: 'VMware Cloud Director UI Components',
           * Finds a module for a component
           * If this is null or an empty string is returned, the module is not added to the example
          moduleFinder?(componentName: string): string;
  • Recall the asset URL that you hosted the Compodoc at. This URL is relative to the base URL of the Angular app. For example, if we hosted the "compodoc" located at "assets/compodoc" from the assets file in Angular.json, we would provide "compodoc" That will be passed below.

  • Provide the above resources (2 docJsons, sbInfo, assetUrl) to the NgLiveDocs module inside AppModule

          imports: [
              NgLiveDocsModule.forRoot([docJson1, docJson2], sbInfo, assetUrl),
      export class AppModule {
  • Import the <component_name>ExampleModule created in previous step into AppModule by adding it to list of imports

  • Please refer to example app module for this step

Adding examples to the HTML:

  • Create a ExampleEntry object as below:

      exampleEntry: ExampleEntry = {
          component: ApiViewerExampleComponent,
          title: 'Api viewer'
  • Pass that exampleEntry to the ExampleViewer component in the HTML:

      <vmw-example-viewer [exampleEntry]="exampleEntry"></vmw-example-viewer>

Please refer to example app for this step