
Shareable ESLint config for typescript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import volusionEslintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@volusion/eslint-config';


Volusion ESLint Configs

Shareable ESLint configuration files

How to use it

  1. Install the package as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev @volusion/eslint-config
  1. Create an eslint config file in your project, with @volusion/eslint-config as an extension.


module.exports = {
    "extends": [
    "rules": {
        // Place custom overrides for your project here.

Advanced Usage

To use something other than the default config, update your configuration to match the name of the config file in this repo that you want to extend.

For a typescript project, your config might look like this:


module.exports = {
    "extends": [
        "@volusion/eslint-config/typescript", // matches `typescript.js` in the root of this package.
        "@volusion/eslint-config/react", // for react projects, matches `react.js`
    "rules": {
        // Place custom overrides for your project here.

Developer Guide

Modifying an existing config

All configs are located in the lib directory. Find the one you want to modify, and treat it like a standard eslint config file. Keep the individual config scopes small: don't put non-typescript rules in lib/typescript.js, for example.

Adding a new config

  1. Add your new config file to the lib directory. (i.e. ./lib/react.js)
  2. Add a file to the root of the project to import the config from lib. ./react.js
module.exports = require("./lib/react.js");

File Structure

  • Configs are located in ./lib/, then re-exported from the root for consumption by dependent packages. This lets dependents reference individual configs without having to know the file structure of this repo (e.g. @volusion/eslint-config/react instead of @volusion/eslint-config/lib/react).
  • ./.eslintrc.js and ./.prettierrc.js (with the preceeding .) are the local configuration files for linting and formatting this repo.