
The icon component provides a consistent way to style icons.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vrembemIcon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vrembem/icon';



The icon component provides a consistent way to style icons.

npm version



npm install @vrembem/icon


@use "@vrembem/icon";


The most basic implementation of the icon component consists of the icon class applied to an svg element.

<svg class="icon" role="img">
  <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor"></use>



Add a size modifier to adjust the size of your icons. Icon sizes are controlled using the font-size attribute and optionally a stroke width.

<svg class="icon icon_size_sm" role="img">
  <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor"></use>

Available Variations

  • icon_size_xs
  • icon_size_sm
  • icon_size_lg
  • icon_size_xl


The default icon style is set using the $icon-style variable. You can also explicitly style an icon using the style modifier.

<svg class="icon icon_style_stroke" role="img">
  <use xlink:href="#icon-heart"></use>

<svg class="icon icon_style_fill" role="img">
  <use xlink:href="#icon-heart"></use>

Available Variations

  • icon_style_stroke
  • icon_style_fill

@mixin icon-style($style)

Output unique styles for an icons based on their style type.


Variable Type Description
$style string The icon styles to output. Current options include "stroke" and "fill", defaults to "stroke".


.icon-selector {
  @include icon-style("fill");

// CSS Output
.icon-selector {
  stroke: none;
  stroke-width: 0;
  fill: currentColor;


Sass Variables

Variable Default Description
$prefix-block null String to prefix blocks with.
$prefix-element "__" String to prefix elements with.
$prefix-modifier "_" String to prefix modifiers with.
$prefix-modifier-value "_" String to prefix modifier values with.
$style "stroke" The default icon styles to output. Current options include "stroke" and "fill".
$size 1.25em The base size of icons. This is applied using the font-size property.
$stroke-width 2xp Sets the stroke-width property of icons.
$stroke-linecap round Sets the stroke-linecap property of icons.
$stroke-linejoin round Sets the stroke-linejoin property of icons.
$vertical-align top Sets the vertical-align property of icons.
$size-xs 0.75em Sets the font-size property of icons with the icon_size_xs modifier.
$size-xs-stroke-width null Sets the stroke-width property of icons with the icon_size_xs modifier.
$size-sm 1em Sets the font-size property of icons with the icon_size_sm modifier.
$size-sm-stroke-width null Sets the stroke-width property of icons with the icon_size_sm modifier.
$size-lg 1.75em Sets the font-size property of icons with the icon_size_lg modifier.
$size-lg-stroke-width null Sets the stroke-width property of icons with the icon_size_lg modifier.
$size-xl 2.75em Sets the font-size property of icons with the icon_size_xl modifier.
$size-xl-stroke-width null Sets the stroke-width property of icons with the icon_size_xl modifier.