
Informs if I still want to be a developer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vtambourineWannaBeADeveloper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vtambourine/wanna-be-a-developer';



Simple helper that informs you if I still want to be a developer or not.


Simply install the scoped package:

npm install @vtambourine/wanna-be-a-developer

Use it whithin you code:

var stillWantTo = require('@vtambourine/wanna-be-a-developer');

if (!stillWantTo) {
    throw new Party();

Making your own informer

To make sure your colleagues aware about your future plans is no trouble at all. Just clone this repo, replace scope in package name with your username, export your decision from index.js, and publish the module!