
Be a utility library to translate form VTEX Search results to VTEX Catalog json format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vtexVtexSearchMapper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vtex/vtex-search-mapper';




yarn add @vtex/vtex-search-mapper
import { convertFromBiggyProductsToCatalogApiProducts, BiggySearchResult, BiggyProduct, CatalogApiProduct } from '@vtex/vtex-search-mapper'

// ...

const biggySearchResult: BiggySearchResult = await myBiggyClientGetSearchResults(params)
const biggyProducts: BiggyProduct[] = biggySearchResult.products

const newProducts: CatalogApiProduct[] = convertFromBiggyProductsToCatalogApiProducts(biggyProducts)

Developing this module



Run tests

yarn test

Develop tests in watch mode

yarn jest

Link this app to other module and develop changes

On this project:

yarn link

To watch changes locally:

yarn watch

On the other project:

yarn link @vtex/vtex-search-mapper

Then any changes you make on this project will reflect on the project that uses it


To release new versions use semver pattern and follow the next commands to choose how to release this package on npm

Patch version

yarn release

Minor version

yarn release-minor

Patch version

yarn release-patch