
``` yarn cli init yarn cli init <projectName> ```

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueStorefrontCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vue-storefront/cli';


Vue Storefront CLI


Init new project

yarn cli init
yarn cli init <projectName>

Create new commands

To create a new command you have to create Typescript file in src/commands e.g. src/commands/my-command.ts. Then inside you should export the default function that takes one argument - an array of strings. Check src/commands/init.ts if you need a working example. Signature:

(args: string[]): void

args is an array of arguments that begins from the first argument after the command. E.g. for yarn cli my-command a b c it would be ['a', 'b', 'c'].
src/index.ts always tries to call exported function from src/commands/<used_command>.ts.

Module installed globally via yarn does not work

If you have used yarn global add @vue-storefront/cli@next and everything went well. Then while using vsf command you are getting Command 'vsf' not found, did you mean: - below I will show you solution for this problem.

It means you do not have path to yarn global binaries in your $PATH system variable. You can check that with this command:

echo $PATH | grep $(yarn global bin);

If there is no output - it means that you have to add output of yarn global bin command to your $PATH variable.

If you want to make it work only in current terminal session - use:

export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH";

If you want to make it work permanently, you have to add it to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file. More information click here

How to generate and publish your template of integration?

If you want to generate a template of your integration for VSF Next, you need to follow those steps:

  1. Install VSF cli globally (yarn global add @vue-storefront/cli)
  2. In your terminal cd to the folder with your integration theme (it's usually in packages/theme). Make sure _theme folder is generated inside of it (you can generate it with yarn dev)
  3. Execute command vsf generate-template <your-template-name> (e.g.: vsf generate-template commercetools)
  4. Create a new Github repository.
  5. cd into <your-template-name> and push it to the github repository.
  6. Test with cd <your-template-name> && yarn && yarn dev