
Bootstrap your project without pain and special dependencies e.g. React, Vue or something like this.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vviitalBootstrapper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vviital/bootstrapper';


Project bootstrapper

Bootstrap your project without pain and special dependencies e.g. React, Vue or something like this.


Sometimes you want to learn something new fast - next ES standart features, try some library and (which is essential) persist your learning experiance under git in neat repository. So this bootstapper solves such problems:

  • add .gitignore file
  • install babel with presets
  • install eslint
  • install dependencies for bluebird, moment and lodash
  • install test runner jest
  • split all changes into small git commits


Before start using this bootstrapper be sure, that you have installed:

  • Node.js (at least v8.5.0)
  • Yarn
  • git


npm install -g @vviital/bootstrapper