
Automatization of set-upping a blockchain condition with any contract version

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import w12Choppy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@w12/choppy';



Automatization of set-upping a blockchain condition with any contract version

Script name

Script name should consists of contract version(on which this script will be run) and script name. Script should have corresponding .js file in scripts directory.




Install CLI:

$ npm install -g @w12/choppy

Install contract

$ choppy add v0.23.2

Print scripts list and select witch one to use

$ choppy scripts

Run test-rpc network

$ choppy net

Run script

$ choppy run 0.23.2_script

For additional command usage information

$ choppy --help


All scripts ran by truffle exec.