An extremely lightweight HTTP request client for the command-line. Supports: http, https, redirects, cookies.
npm install --global @warren-bank/node-request-cli
- request implements the HTTP request client as a javascript library
- Nget provides a command-line interface for this javascript library
- CLI options allow the user to access and configure much of its functionality
- CLI options follow a naming convention intended to be (somewhat) consistent with
has hundreds of CLI optionsnget
has maybe a dozen.. written in one evening- don't expect feature parity
- do expect the most important features to be present
- pull requests that implement additional
features are always welcome- if the feature involves a fair amount of work, please open an issue so we can discuss before-hand
- pull requests that implement additional
nget <options>
Print a help message describing all of Nget's command-line options.
Display the version of Nget.
"-u <URL>"
"--url <URL>"
Specify the URL to download.
"-i <filepath>"
"--input-file <filepath>"
Read URLs from a local text file. Format is one URL per line.
Each line is parsed as a collection of tab-separated values:
- 1st value must always be the URL
- 2nd value is an optional output document filepath
* absolute paths are supported
* relative paths are supported and resolved relative to "--directory-prefix"
or, if undefined, the current working directory
- all subsequent values are ignored as comments
"--mc" <integer>
"--max-concurrency" <integer>
"--threads" <integer>
Specify the maximum number of URLs to download in parallel.
The default is 1, which processes the download queue sequentially.
"--headers <filepath>"
Read request headers from a local text file. Format is JSON. Data structure is an Object. Keys contain header name. Values contain header value.
"--referer <value>"
Specify request header: "Referer: <value>"
Takes priority over value read by "--headers" for the specific header name.
"-U <value>"
"--user-agent <value>"
Specify request header: "User-Agent: <value>"
Takes priority over value read by "--headers" for the specific header name.
"--header <name=value>"
"--header <name:value>"
Specify request header: "<name>: <value>"
Takes priority over value read by "--headers" for the specific header name.
"--method <value>"
HTTP verb. Value must be one of: "GET","HEAD","POST","PUT","DELETE","CONNECT","OPTIONS","TRACE","PATCH"
The default is "GET", which changes to "POST" when "--post-data" or "--post-file" are defined.
"--post-data <data>"
Specifies a string to send as POST data.
By default, the 'Content-Type' request header will contain: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
"--post-file <filepath>"
Read a string to send as POST data from a local text file.
By default, the 'Content-Type' request header will contain: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
"--max-redirect <number>"
Specifies the maximum number of redirections to follow for a resource.
The default is 10.
Do not check HTTPS TLS/SSL certificates.
Do not follow any redirections.
Do not throw an Error when the status code of the response for the final request is not 200.
This option pairs well with: "--no-follow-redirect"
"--load-cookies <filepath>"
Specifies the text file used to store cookies. Format is JSON.
"--load-cookies true"
Indicates that cookies should be stored in memory for the lifespan of a single Nget session.
Indicates that cookies must not be used during the current Nget session.
Takes priority over: "--load-cookies"
"-P <dirpath>"
"--directory-prefix <dirpath>"
Specifies the directory where all file downloads will be saved to.
The default is "." (the current directory).
"-O <filepath>"
"--output-document <filepath>"
Specifies where "--url" will be saved.
Does not apply to URLs read from "--input-file".
Indicates that the file download should be saved with the filename obtained from the 'Content-Disposition' response header.
The default behavior is to obtain a filename from the requested URL.
This option pairs well with: "--directory-prefix"
This option is nullified by: "--output-document"
Indicates that a file download should not occur when the filepath to where it would be saved already exists.
The default behavior is to delete the existing file and download the new file in its place.
Save the headers sent by the HTTP server to the file, preceding the actual contents, with an empty line as the separator.
Print the headers sent by the HTTP server.
nget-convert-cookiefile --json-to-text --in <filepath> --out <filepath>
nget-convert-cookiefile --text-to-json --in <filepath> --out <filepath>
Print a help message describing all of Nget's command-line options.
Display the version of Nget.
Enable the conversion operation: JSON to Netscape text format
Enable the conversion operation: Netscape text format to JSON
"--in <filepath>"
Specify path to input file.
"--out <filepath>"
Specify path to output file.
- this test script is a good introduction
Usage as an Embedded Library:
- without cluttering the README with too much technical info, I will quickly mention that:
- all functionality can be imported as a function:
const {download} = require('@warren-bank/node-request-cli')
- all command-line options can be specified at runtime in a configuration object passed to the function:
- all functionality can be imported as a function:
- Node version: v6.4.0 (and higher)
- ES6 support
- v0.12.18+: Promise
- v4.08.03+: Object shorthand methods
- v5.12.00+: spread operator
- v6.04.00+: Proxy constructor
- v6.04.00+: Proxy 'apply' handler
- v6.04.00+: Reflect.apply
- tested in:
- v7.9.0
- ES6 support
- copyright: Warren Bank
- license: GPL-2.0