Warship is a framework to build distributed systems (a.k.a microservices) aided by event sourcing and task streaming strategies using Redis as core engine. This package is the core to operate an endpoint as payload issuer or method processor or both (although is not recommended). But first let's introduce some terms and concepts adopted in Warship environment:
- Payload Issuer - an endpoint or system that issues named payloads (event sourcing) that can be handled or used by other systems and services, sometimes these payloads mean jobs/tasks. A payload issuer can be compared to event emitters or producers (as seen in Apache Kafka TM). Examples of PIs: RESTful APIs, RPC APIs.
- Method Processor - a service that can handle tasks/jobs or uses a payload issued by other endpoints as event source triggering business domain flows. A method processor can be compared to consumers (Apache Kafka TM), event listeners, and so on.
- NodeJS 10+
- Redis 5+
npm install --save @warshipjs/core
See Warship
The "fix" folder
Warship uses ioredis and I discovered a bug when it uses Redis Cluster. The issue is here and the pull request here. Until the fix is not merged in a minor version, Warship will replace a file in ioredis applying the fix. So it's important to know:
- Warship will modify ioredis files.
- Warship will change the ioredis Redis class prototype to add Redis Streams commands.
Fix merged into ioredis version 4.3.0.
The tests use Docker, so be sure that your user can run redis:5
npm test