
Typescript declarations for the current live World of Warcraft LUA API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wartoshikaWowClassicDeclarations from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wartoshika/wow-classic-declarations';


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Typescript declarations for the current live World of Warcraft LUA API

WoW Retail developers should use the wow-declarations repository.

Supported transpilers for LUA targets:


Installing this dependency via

  • $ npm install @wartoshika/wow-declarations@1.13.3-release.1 (npm repository installation)
  • $ npm install wartoshika/wow-declarations#v1.13.3-release.1 (github repository installation)

I strongly recommend to use a version tag when using github based install. Referencing the master branch can result in installing a breaking change. Github based installations need a prefixing v in the version number!

Please add the wow-declarations path to your tsconfig.json compiler options like below:

    "compilerOptions": {
        // ...
        "typeRoots": [


Sat. 08 2020 - v1.13.3-release.1

Release of the first version for wow classic. This repository is created to support removed functions in retail 8.3 and should be used when targeting classic environment.


If you want to contribute, please provide a pull request and ensure that you linted your changes with npm run lint or try to autofix the errors with npm run lint:fix. I appreciate your help!