
authentication and authorization for react, redux and react-router 4.x

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import watchmenReactReduxAuth from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@watchmen/react-redux-auth';



authentication and authorization for react, redux and react-router 4.x

styled with prettier XO code style Build Status npm (scoped)

see tests for examples (to-do)


  • yarn add {this repo}

  • uses redux-pack, so need to follow directions and add middleware

sample configuration

  1. in main entry point (e.g. app/index.js)

    // this import should happen as early as possible for timing
    import './auth-config'
  2. ./auth-config.js

    1. auth0: example
    2. hello.js
      1. azure: example
      2. node-oidc-provider: example
      3. keycloak: example
        1. configuration notes
    3. proxy: example


  1. git clone {this repo}
  2. cd {this repo name}
  3. yarn
  4. yarn test