
Simplified iCheck module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wealthsimpleFancyCheckbox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wealthsimple/fancy-checkbox';



Fancy checkboxes and radios. Based on iCheck plugin but simplified.


First, make sure you have jQuery or Zepto installed. Next, run the following command:

bower install git@github.com:wealthsimple/fancy-checkbox.git --save

Next, include the dist/fancy-checkbox.js and dist/fancy-checkbox.css on your webpage.


This plugin will automatically apply styling to all inputs of type="checkbox" and type="radio".

If you wish to disable the styling on a specific input, you must add data-fancy-disabled="true" attribute.

You can also disable styling on all child inputs by adding data-fancy-disabled="true" to any ancestor element.

Generating Dist

  1. Run npm install to update/install dependencies
  2. Run npm prepublishOnly to generate dist.

Making a new release

  1. Bump the version in package-lock.json
  2. Run npm publish to publish new version