
A friendly UI framework which aims to be straightforward, intuitive, and high performance.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wearegenkiVueDropdown from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wearegenki/vue-dropdown';



TODO: Write me!

Part of @wearegenki/ui — a friendly UI framework which aims to be straightforward, intuitive, and high performance.


  • You may be wondering "what's the difference from @wearegenki/vue-input-select?"
    • The purpose of vue-input-select is to be like a native <select> element but with a better user experience and a more sexy look. It's for displaying a list of options and allowing the user to filter and select them. You bind a v-model to the component and the selected option is output as the value.
    • This @wearegenki/vue-dropdown component, on the other hand, is intended to be a generic way to display content in a "dropdown" format. A typical use case may be a list of links for a menu, such as a "right click"/context menu. This component doesn't take a v-model value but instead has a slot for the developer to provide its content.
  • The slot content may be anything but a list works best (and comes with some built in styles).



TODO: Write me.


@wearegenki/vue-dropdown is part of @wearegenki/ui, an Apache-2.0 licensed open source project. See LICENCE.

© 2018 We Are Genki