
HTML Utiltities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webexHelperHtml from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@webex/helper-html';



standard-readme compliant

HTML filter for the Cisco Webex JS SDK. See https://webex.github.io/webex-js-sdk/

Note: This package relies on DOM apis and largely returns noops in node environments.


npm install --save @webex/helper-html


filter(allowedTags, allowedStyles, html)

Filters an html string such that it only includes the allowed tags and styles. Disallowed tags and styles are removed while their contents are kept.

allowedTags is an object keyed on tag name mapped to an array of attribuets allowed for that tag. allwedStyles is an array of allowed style string. html is a string.

Returns a promise that resolves with the new html string.


See filter()

filterEscape(processCallback, allowedTags, allowedStyles, html)

Filters an html string such that it only includes the allowed tags and styles. Disallowed tags and styles and their children are escaped.

processCallback synchronous callback that receives the body of the html fragment generated from html. Presents an opportunity to do preprocessing (e.g turn urls into links) without parsing html mulitple times allowedTags is an object keyed on tag name mapped to an array of attribuets allowed for that tag. allwedStyles is an array of allowed style string. html is a string.

Returns a promise that resolves with the new html string.


See filterEscape()


This package is maintained by Cisco Webex for Developers.


Pull requests welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.


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